
双语 | 中国外交获重大突破!附新型大国关系译词表

2017-03-20 译世界 译·世界


US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday that the US would like to develop the relationship with China based on the spirits of "mutual respect" and "win-win cooperation," with analysts believing that this means Tillerson has implicitly endorsed the new model of major country relations.


Xi stressed that cooperation is the only right option for both sides during his meeting with the visiting secretary of state.


"You said that China-US relations can only be friendly. I express my appreciation for this," Xi said.


Xi also said he had communicated with President Donald Trump several times through telephone conversations and messages. "We both believe that China-US cooperation henceforth is the direction we are both striving for. We are both expecting a new era for constructive development."


"The joint interests of China and the US far outweigh the differences, and cooperation is the only correct choice for us both," Xi added.


Tillerson said President Trump is looking forward to meeting with President Xi and to have the opportunity to visit China.


Tillerson further said the summit will confirm the direction of Sino-US relations in the next 50 years. The US would like to develop the bilateral relationship with China based on "the spirit of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation," the Xinhua News Agency reported.


New expression“大国关系”新表述

In 2010, China put forward a new model of major country relations, in which the core concepts are "no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation." Beijing hoped Washington would accept these principles to develop the Sino-US relationship as the right way to avoid the Thucydides trap, a theory which says that arising power and an established super power are bound to engage in conflicts.


While China welcomes the endorsement of its model, which the previous administration of Barack Obama refused to do, we need to observe the US' words and deeds going forward to see if it is credible, said Shi Yinhong, director of the Center for American Studies at the Renmin University of China.


▲ 人民大学美国研究中心主任时殷弘

"Tillerson said these words because Trump wants to create a friendly atmosphere and environment for the upcoming summit," Shi said.


During Obama's era, China always stressed these principles, but there was no record that the US side did the same.


"In that time, the US refused to accept the concept of 'mutual respect,' because it refused to accept China's definition of 'core interests,'" Shi said.


"'Mutual respect' will give US allies in the Asia-Pacific region an impression that China and the US are equal in the region, so to accept 'mutual respect' will undermine US authority among its allies. This is what the Obama administration believed," said An Gang, a US studies expert and a member of the academic committee of the Pangoal Institution, a Beijing-based think tank.


▲ 盘古智库学术委员会成员、美国研究专家安刚

Tillerson was not speaking personally, but after a serious decision made by the US, because Trump wants to start a relationship with China different from his predecessor's. China should cautiously welcome Tillerson's words. At least this is a step forward and a result of China's diplomatic efforts, An said.


"We should learn from the lessons of Obama's era, which is that everything looks happy and friendly during the summit, but in reality, the US makes little compromises or even acts more aggressively," Shi noted.


Words are not enough 光喊口号是不够的 

US Acting Assistant Secretary of State Susan Thornton had previously told reporters that the US was "pursuing a results-oriented relationship with China."


The concept of "results-oriented" might reflect US understanding of "mutual respect," An said. "A results-oriented relationship means the US will push the Sino-US relationship based on the results or effects of every single instance of Sino-US cooperation."


"Currently, the US needs China's cooperation and respect on issues like trade and the Korean Peninsula, so China needs to consider to what extent it can provide what the US wants at this moment," An said.




新型大国关系 a new model of major country relationship/relationships

不冲突、不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢 no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation

宽广的太平洋两岸有足够空间容纳中美两个大国 The vast Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the United States

合则两利,斗则俱伤 gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation

战略互信 strategic mutual trust

增进互信 enhance mutual trust

战略共识 strategic understanding

增信释疑 enhance trust, dispel misgivings

聚同化异 seek common ground while resolving differences

务实合作 practical cooperation

促进合作 advance cooperation

深化合作 boost the cooperation

优势互补,各擅所长 complement each other with their respective advantages

加强对话 step up dialogue

平等相待 treat each other as equals

平等互利 seek mutual benefit on an equal footing

立足现实 keep one’s feet firmly on the ground

着眼长远 set one’s eyes to the long-term future

深入沟通 have thorough communication 

相向而行 work in the same direction

着眼民众,加深友谊 deepen friendship between our peoples

亲、诚、惠、容 amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness

加强亚太事务合作 prioritize cooperation on Asia-Pacific affairs

尊重彼此主权和领土完整 respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity

英文来源:Global Times




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